Thursday, June 21, 2012

Awesome autumn auburns: redheaded goddesses

Auburn is the way forward this autumn! Inspired by the latest InStyle magazine, I’ve put together this inspiration board full of redheaded goodness.

If you haven’t had the courage to go red, this is the right time to take the plunge. Make sure you choose the right shade to suit your skin tone, Piers will help you look for the right tones and you can even compliment the perfect auburn shade with some copper highlights.

What a great way to warm up this winter!

To book Piers call 0424 637 319 or email him on piersstanaway at yahoo dot com for a consultation.

  1. Lana del Rey
  2. Miley Cyrus
  3. Khloe Kardashian
  4. Amy Adams
  5. Emma Stone
  6. Julia Roberts
  7. Isla Fisher
  8. Ashley Simpson
  9. Lindsay Lohan
  10. Miley Cyrus (yes, again!)

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